SPM at SHSMD Connections 2011
SPM is looking forward to our visit to Phoenix September 14 – 17, for the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development's Annual Conference. SPM is proud to be a conference sponsor and exhibitor yet again this year. We've also worked with SHSMD to bring QR codes and creative technology to this year's conference. So be sure to stop by Booth #600 in the exhibit hall to experience new ways to use technology in healthcare marketing.
Also, you won't want to miss Dan Miers' presentation "A Report from the Future: Marketing Lessons from Massachusetts' Reform Experience" on Thursday 9/15/11 (3:45pm – 5:00pm) and Larry Margolis' presentation "The Pride of Shameless Self-Promotion: Make Them Feel They'd Be Doomed Without You" on Friday 9/16/11 (11:15am – 12:30pm).