At SPM, a large part of what helps keep our work fresh is getting out of the office and immersing ourselves in the latest trends of the industry. It turns out Social Media Week Chicago (#SMWChicago) is the perfect chance to do just that: talk face-to-face with some of the leading minds in marketing and […]
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2016 was a big year for digital marketing, with new strategic priorities and technological innovations changing how we work. As you assess how you can enhance your strategies this year, it is critical to think first about providing consumers with the best online experience possible. Keep these key healthcare digital marketing trends in mind as you plan for 2017.
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After attending “Experience” An Evening of Emerging Technology, hosted by The Mill, our creative juices started flowing with ideas around innovating healthcare marketing with technology. Held at the new Chicago Google headquarters, the event showcased the latest in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) technology, which our team got to experience first hand. Here are some of our favorites.
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As we know, any shift in communication—whether it’s letters to telegrams, telegrams to telephone calls, or calls to texts and emails—cultivates new marketing opportunities, and the emoji revolution has been no different. Using them the right way in your marketing could help you break through the clutter and resonate with consumers.
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SPM Interact, our digital media division, decided to host an internal competition at SPM. The contest? Create a healthcare related mobile application that could be functional and useful for our client partners.
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Like it or not, we live in a fast-paced, non-stop information society. We’ve all grown accustomed to having everything at the touch of a button (or screen)—so much so that we expect it. We are constantly connected to and interacting with our mobile phones. And healthcare is no exception.
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We’re presently at the precipice of change. What we know now as digital advertising is becoming “traditional” as we see new innovations in the industry.
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Is the sky really falling on traditional media? We're here to address the nervous naysayers who predict the impending doom of traditional media. Truth be told, traditional media is alive and well…it just runs with a mixed crowd.
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